Inscription 15614496 - Alfred Allcorn

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9 Dec 1858



10 Dec 1858



Wayne Hill

The first inroad made upon its numbers by death occurred on the 9th instant at New- town, in the person of Mr. Alfred Allcorn, whose decease is announced in our obituary, and who was for some time residing in Bathurst, where by his unassuming, upright and consis- tent conduct he won for himself the esteem of many warm friends. On leaving Bathurst he went to reside at Camden where he secured the respect of all who knew him and when seized with the malady which caused his death (organic disease of the heart), he proceeded to Sydney for medical advice and assistance. In the Metropolis he received the best attendance that could be procured from the Medical gen- tlemen connected with the order, and during the nine weeks his illness continued he was constantly visited by the officers and brothers of the St. John's Lodge, Newtown, and he regularly received through them the liberal allowance of the Kincora Lodge. We understand that he was followed to the grave on Friday the 10th instant.

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